Thursday, March 3, 2011

writing about how i'm thinking about writing.

          Was there ever something in your life that you wanted to be but never thought you had a chance in it? i had something like that. writing. ever since i was a kid i wanted to be a writer. i thought it was something fun to do. i still remember the very first short story i ever wrote. it was about a hole in the wall. not very exciting i know, but by the time i was done with it that hole was the physical manifestation of evil. it oozed blood and everything. i was just a little kid when i wrote that. I'm sure any adult would have thought i was the weirdest kid alive for that. my old teacher didn't though. she actually really liked it. said she would enter it in a contest, but i never heard back about it .but after that moment i realized that writing was actually fun. i had spent a lot of time reading comic books with my big brother which really helped in my vocabulary ,so i always knew words that most kids my age didn't. that always helped when i wrote something. i even made it to the finals of an essay contest when i was a kid. i didn't win but i remember how proud my mom was. that, to me, was better than winning.
          Interesting that I'm thinking about his now. well, not so interesting. i was looking over my old NaNoWriMo ( National Novel Writing Month) novel. well it wasn't a full novel actually just the first 5 chapters of it. i hadn't read it in a long time and it was nice to go back and read something that i had read over a year or so ago.
          Now normally when i look back on things that i wrote like say when i was a teenager ( ugh the things i wrote then) i just look at it in disgust and think " what the fuck was i thinking when i wrote that heaping pile of crap?" but i have to say, i didn't feel that way when i read those chapters. dare i say, they were actually good. i mean there was a lot of grammar errors and overuse of certain words that i just looked at with a mild case of the "ick". but for the most part i rather liked it.
          What does this mean? what the hell is the whole point of this? there is no point. well, sort of no point. i guess as of late I've been thinking about writing and how much i remembered i loved it. maybe I'll give it a shot again. i mean who knows maybe i can get something out there for people to see that they'll like. who knows. only one way to find out.