Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I've been thinking constantly of what I wanted to do with this blog. Rather than turn it into a 'fuck-my-life' all around bitch fest, I figured I would take inspiration wherever I could find it. And sometimes twitter is just not enough. I figure this blog post I’ll devote to some wrestling.

Now as of late I have really been finding my way back to wrestling fully. With my 10 year old niece and nephew being into it now, it's all over the place. Things in wrestling have been interesting again. Yeah, sometimes it is frustrating to watch. REALLY frustrating. But I still watch because every once in a while they have a sense of inspiration that can't be replicated or really explained. This recent summer has been a phenomenal one in wrestling. In particular the WWE. Yeah, the WWE. I know people for many years have felt that it always has been and always will be the same thing with those guys, but for the last couple of years I have to say that vinny mac & co. have become something to pay attention to again. There are a group of people,five to be exact, that I’ve really come to like, some who've been there for a time and have really come into their own and some who just started in the last few years who've really shined;

  1. CM Punk- no one can deny that this has truly been ' The summer of punk'. Punk has been someone that I’ve known about since his days in the Indy’s and he's always been a standout performer. His wrestling skill has greatly improved over the years and his mic skills have been grade A prime. The recent months have really proven to people who possibly doubted punk for being nothing more than a (no pun intended) 'punk Indy kid' that he is someone who can be a mainstay in the wrestling community outside the confines of just the internet. But surely he will always be the internet's darling which doesn't hurt him one bit.

  1. Daniel Bryan ( Bryan Danielson)- yes Mr. “ best in the world” himself. This has been a roller coaster couple of years for Mr. danielson. From being hired, to being fired, to being re-hired, the stars have been shining brightly in favor of the American dragon. The new 'Mr. money in the bank' has been having a great tenure in the WWE. I'm sure many people ( myself included) thought he would end up how many super talented but not bodybuilder-sized wrestlers tend to end up; squash- match limbo, dark- match hell and then eventually unemployed. But Bryan fortunately hasn't suffered that same fate. As stated earlier he won the briefcase and became smackdown's money in the bank winner. Before that he was the united states champion . Bryan, like punk, has improved his wrestling ability exponentially. Utilizing more submission moves, he's becoming quite an adept submissionist. I don't even see him becoming the next Cena or even the next Punk but I do see him being an amazing Bryan danielson and that's the best compliment I think I can give him.
  2. Sheamus- I.LOVE.SHEAMUS. I truly do. Ever since I first saw him I loved him. His look is original, his body and strength is stellar and his attitude will take him very far in the business. I understand many people had an issue with him getting pushed so far, so fast and I can see the logic behind that, but I also see how hard he works to keep himself at the top of his game. Those who complain about his move set being limited should take into consideration where he is employed and do themselves the favor of looking up some of his old Irish matches. The guy used to fly. Fortunately they've taken him away from the Celtic king debacle and brought him back to what made him magnificent. I can only see sheamus going up. Regaining his spot in the main event and being there to carry the torch when the 'vets' have moved on for their various reasons.
  3. Wade Barrett- anyone who knows me, knows that this one should have been obvious, but I assure you I like Mr. Barrett for more than his physical attributes. Wade Barrett is pretty solid. Of course the main dispute is over his finisher, the wasteland. I'll admit, it's not as flashy as the airbourne, not as technical as the Le Bell lock, not as devastating as the Go 2 sleep but it does the job for him. Imagine being hoisted on the shoulders of a very tall man and slammed to the mat in due fashion and I think you'd understand why it can be effective when done right. Looking past the finisher he does have a good move set for him. Though I will admit that at times it can be a bit limited hence why he works mostly with stables and tags. The recent summerslam match he had with Daniel Bryan showcased both with Daniel dominating most of the match but Barrett coming back with some good counters which shows he's growing and improving. But the one thing that Barrett has over Bryan and a lot of other wrestlers is his mouth. The guy has got a serious mouth and can deliver a promo like no one's business. He's also a fantastic heel. He's probably one of the best heels they've had for a good while. It makes you wish the WWE would abandon their 'PG' rating just so you could see how much more deliciously evil Barrett could be if offered no limitations. Like sheamus, I can see him also being a mainstay in the main event scene once the 'old reliables' have moved on to greener pastures.
  4. Alberto Del Rio- the new WWE champion. I like Del Rio for various reasons. He's a good bad-guy and he has a decent move set. I know a lot of people are pissed at him because of how he won the title but that is kind of what money in the bank is all about, so I don't begrudge him. People have called him the “ Mexican JBL” and I can see the similarities but ADR has a style all his own. And I like it. Hopefully this means a nice long title reign since they have been really pushing him for a while but have fallen short.
    Kharma( honorable mention)- I know I said 5 but I HAD to include kharma. Kharma's debut was something that was so anticipated and drooled over. I myself anxiously awaited her entry into the diva's division. She came and she destroyed but then became pregnant and had to leave. Though I’m not happy that she had to go so soon I won't express it with the same amount of vitriol that others have, I genuinely am happy for her and look forward to her return. The WWE divas have been very homogenous over the years. Always going for the same type. former models that they can try to mold into wrestlers while women who were wrestlers were vastly ignored. That's what made kharma so important and I hope the WWE do her better than TNA did.

So, that's it for me. My list of people that I like and why. Wrestling is more and more becoming interesting and fun again. And I personally cannot wait to see what the future holds for not only these superstars but the business in general. Yes, even in TNA. But don't ask me to watch it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

writing about how i'm thinking about writing.

          Was there ever something in your life that you wanted to be but never thought you had a chance in it? i had something like that. writing. ever since i was a kid i wanted to be a writer. i thought it was something fun to do. i still remember the very first short story i ever wrote. it was about a hole in the wall. not very exciting i know, but by the time i was done with it that hole was the physical manifestation of evil. it oozed blood and everything. i was just a little kid when i wrote that. I'm sure any adult would have thought i was the weirdest kid alive for that. my old teacher didn't though. she actually really liked it. said she would enter it in a contest, but i never heard back about it .but after that moment i realized that writing was actually fun. i had spent a lot of time reading comic books with my big brother which really helped in my vocabulary ,so i always knew words that most kids my age didn't. that always helped when i wrote something. i even made it to the finals of an essay contest when i was a kid. i didn't win but i remember how proud my mom was. that, to me, was better than winning.
          Interesting that I'm thinking about his now. well, not so interesting. i was looking over my old NaNoWriMo ( National Novel Writing Month) novel. well it wasn't a full novel actually just the first 5 chapters of it. i hadn't read it in a long time and it was nice to go back and read something that i had read over a year or so ago.
          Now normally when i look back on things that i wrote like say when i was a teenager ( ugh the things i wrote then) i just look at it in disgust and think " what the fuck was i thinking when i wrote that heaping pile of crap?" but i have to say, i didn't feel that way when i read those chapters. dare i say, they were actually good. i mean there was a lot of grammar errors and overuse of certain words that i just looked at with a mild case of the "ick". but for the most part i rather liked it.
          What does this mean? what the hell is the whole point of this? there is no point. well, sort of no point. i guess as of late I've been thinking about writing and how much i remembered i loved it. maybe I'll give it a shot again. i mean who knows maybe i can get something out there for people to see that they'll like. who knows. only one way to find out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

for what should it profit me, to gain the whole world but be so annoyed at everything ( isn't that how the quote goes?)

I'm still trying to debate what exactly am i going to do with this thing. i may do some book reviews later on tonight seeing as how i just read 3 books in the last week or so ( 2 for class and 1 for fun). but there are a few things that i kind of wanted to talk about. one being privacy. now we're not talking about the sort of privacy that gets violated by being on sites like facebook, I'm talking real privacy. I'm talking where people feel justified in invading your space. now anyone who knows me knows how i am a huge advocate for not only being alone but maintaining my privacy. i keep my door locked at all times, even when I'm not in the room. who else is like that? i mean i can't be the only one.i also can't stand people who just drop by unannounced. I've come to discover that's one that really gets me irked. and when people talk during a movie or TV show. like "bitch I'm not trying to listen to you while I'm watching TV." and i don't like turncoats or cowards either and I've known quite a few of both of those in my life.this was so unorganized. but i have been aiming to write something on this thing since i got it and I've just been lazy. so, here you go. i guess the privacy thing was a starting point because something happened this morning relating to it and it just annoyed the hell out of me and i had to talk about it somewhere. as i said earlier, I'll be back later. book reviews and all that. and I'll really try not to be so annoyed today. that is if people leave me alone i won't be.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello everyone. My name is Tashamia. ugh could that have sounded anymore nerdy. anyways, i figured I'd give this blogging thing a shot seeing as how facebook and twitter always are limiting how much i can talk and i got a lot of shit to say. maybe not a lot of important shit but it's shit nonetheless. so this first post isn't going to be very good but i want to use this area for things i may have in mind. reviews of things.stuff like that. and i may update it very sporadically like i tend to do with stuff after a while. OK I'm done now. will come back with something more substantial in the future.